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Phone: 0425 365 558

Major types of franchise models:

Business format franchise

Product franchise

Processing or manufacturing franchise

Buying a franchise sounds easy in that the name, brand and concept is already in existence but in fact there are so many things to consider when buying and operating a franchise including:

The value that one pays for the franchise business needs to be assessed and evaluated to ensure it is profitable and provides a good rate of return on the investment by the owner. Getting the proper advice when purchasing or selling a franchise business is very important.

Having a good accounting system ensures the smooth running of a franchise business. It’s important as some franchises are required to provide sale figures for franchise turnover fees and having the correct systems means spending as little time as possible with their bookkeeping, accounting and paperwork once the business finishes trading for the day.

At KPMC we have specific experience in dealing with both franchisors and franchisees of many different small and large franchise businesses that many general accountants don’t have. We understand many of the franchise models and systems. We will ensure you have the correct business structures in place when buying and operating a franchise including implementation of easy to use and modern accounting software and systems to help improve profitability and business development. Contact us now to see how we can help your franchise.

If you are a franchisee or are considering buying a franchise, call us on 0425 365 558 or email us